

端午节的英语作文 篇一


Today is Dragon Boat Festival. My mother bought some zongzi for me. These zongzi are all triangular, with red dates, bean paste It tastes delicious and sweet! After eating, I helped my mother clean up the table. I cleaned up the table. My mother said to me, "Jingyu, I've grown up!"


After eating zongzi, I went to do my homework. I wrote very carefully and neatly. After reading my homework, my mother smiled happily and said, "your grades will definitely improve!"


I listened to my mother's words and laughed happily!

关于端午节的英语作文范文 篇二

Today, my father and I participated in a volunteer group activity and went to the nursing home in Ma Street. The volunteers bought 50 seeds and 28 pairs of cloth shoes for the elderly in the nursing home. We went there by car.

Went to the nursing home: the blind. Dumb and other old people, I think we are so happy, but some people feel unhappy. How pathetic these old people are! We had a meeting. They talked and let us sing. I didn't dare. A child recited a poem and sang a song. I admire his courage.

In the future, I will recite more poems. Song.。. Dad, I was a little nervous at that time. Fear, this let me know: what to do can't just look at the surface.

When I was about to go home, I picked up a jade white stone, and when I got home, I added: eyes. Nose. Mouth. Grandma said, "this stone is really beautiful."

I really enjoyed the Dragon Boat Festival this year!

端午节的来历是什么呢 篇三


(一)萧梁时吴均《续齐谐记》所记粽子起源的故事――“世人作粽,并带五彩丝及楝叶,皆汨罗之遗风也“;(二)北周时宗懔《荆楚岁时记》所提竞渡起源之一说――”屈原投汨罗日“为竞渡三个来源之一。因此,每到端午这天,民间有吃粽子、划龙船的习俗,传说这与纪念屈原有关。相传战国时,楚顷襄王宠信奸佞,将屈原革职放逐。秦国趁机出兵,使楚国失地千里,郢都也被秦将白起所破。屈原不忍再看到国破家亡、百姓流离颠沛的苦难,而自己又救国无门,但始终不忍舍弃自己的祖国,便于公元前278 年抱巨石投汨罗江身死,以自己的生命谱写了一曲爱国主义颂歌。当地百姓知道后,马上设法捞救,一直追到了洞庭湖,都没找到屈原的尸体。这时恰逢天下雨,湖上的渔舟遇雨,一齐汇集在岸边的亭子旁。当他们听说是打捞贤臣屈原时,又再度冒雨,争相划进了茫茫的洞庭湖中。以后,人们就荡舟江河之上,以寄哀思,后来才逐渐发展成为龙舟竞赛。又传屈原殉难后,楚国百姓为纪念他,每到五月初五日,便往江里扔粽子,说是让鱼龙虾蟹吃饱了不再吃屈大夫的尸身,此说相沿至今。相传屈原投汨罗江殉难的日子是五月初五日,因而人们大多把端午节看作是纪念屈原的节日。唐代文秀有《端午》诗:”节分端午自谁言,万古传闻为屈原。堪笑楚江空渺渺,不能洗得直臣冤。“它反映了端午的由来与悼念屈原有关。




四、夏至说。刘德谦在《“端午”始源又一说》(载《文史知识》1983年第5 期)和《中国传统节日趣谈》中,则主张“有文字可考的端午始源应该是夏至”。理由:(一)从端午的两个主要风俗看,在权威的岁时专着《荆楚岁时记》中,五月初五日的节日风俗并没有吃粽子。而吃粽子却明明白白




有关端午节的英语作文 篇四

The Dragon Boat Festival is held on the fifth day of may in the lunar calendar every year. It is said that this festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet of the state of Chu during the Warring States period. There are many special customs in the Dragon Boat Festival. In our family, we hang mugwort leaves and Acorus calamus on the door on the Dragon Boat Festival, and the family makes zongzi together.

Every year on the Dragon Boat Festival, my father gets up early and goes to the vegetable market to choose carefully and buy a bunch of Wormwood Leaves and Acorus calamus to hang on the door. Wormwood Leaves look a bit like chrysanthemum leaves. They smell like light traditional Chinese medicine. Acorus calamus has no taste and looks like a sharp sword. It is said that hanging Wormwood Leaves and Acorus calamus on the door can avoid disasters and seek blessings. After hanging up, we set out to grandma's house for the holiday.

At Grandma's house, we make zongzi every year. Grandma soaked the glutinous rice in the water early, and prepared a lot of Zongye to soak in the water. As soon as we arrived, we could make zongzi. Grandma taught me to choose a large and long Zong leaf, fold one end into a funnel like shape, hold it with one hand to prevent it from loosening, then add soaked glutinous rice and one or two red dates into it, almost fill the small funnel, fold the other half of the Zong leaf back, cover the glutinous rice, wrap it tightly, and finally tie it tightly with a rope, and a zongzi is finished.

Grandma's action is very fast. Three times and two times, a zongzi is finished. With our assists, one after another, we quickly packed a lot. Grandma put zongzi into the pot to cook, and soon there were bursts of fragrance. "Zongzi!" Dad brought a large plate of zongzi. I picked up one, untied the rope, peeled off the Zongye, and the white glutinous rice stuffing was exposed. Take a bite. It's soft and waxy. Take another bite. It's sweet and fragrant. Originally, I ate sweet red dates. Zongzi is really delicious!

If only it were the Dragon Boat Festival every day.

端午节的来历英语作文 篇五

The Dragon Boat Festival is the day for our country to commemorate Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan, is the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, a minister of the king of Chu, Qu Yuan is very loyal, so Chu huaiwang like him very much, and a very jealous of Qu Yuan, with conspiracy to harm him, chuhuaiwang gradually do not trust him. On one occasion, Qin want to with the good of the state of Chu, Qu Yuan, a careful analysis, know qin2 Wang2 conspiracy, they braved the danger to tell Chu, Chu would not listen to them, he released to far away places. When Chu Wang Gang to the state of Qin was captured live, he regretted that did not listen to Qu Yuan's words at that time, due to gas died, Qu Yuan when informed of the country soon die, he could not bear to watch anymore., wrote the last song of the Patriotic Poems will hold a stone jumped into the Miluo River, local people know, hurriedly boating to salvage Qu Yuan's body. Some people to the river throwing eggs, dumplings, poured realgar wine, are in order to let fish do not eat Qu Yuan's body; the dragon boat race is because when salvage Qu Yuan's body with this reason. Not only, the Dragon Boat Festival has its history and some customs and customs.
