初中英语作文:my family rules(6篇)
我的家规英语作文(优秀6篇)推荐度: 家规的英语作文附中文【优秀5篇】推荐度: 家规英语作文(优秀10篇)推荐度: 热点范文
英语作文是指学生根据已学知识将其内在思维组织成文,再用语言外化表达的复杂过程,是较高层次的信息系统,它要求学生具有语言综合运用能力。读书之法,在循序而渐进,熟读而精思,以下是一米范文人美心善的小编飞白帮助大家找到的6篇初中英语作文:my family rules,欢迎参考。
以家规为话题写作文 篇一家庭是圃,孩子是苗。家风如雨点,它随风潜入夜,润物细无声,小苗只有在雨露的滋润下,才能健康成长。孩子只有在优良家风的熏陶下,才能出类拔萃。最近,随着 家风 一词火了起来,脑海中不禁涌现出爷爷奶奶教育我的一幅幅景象。
小时候,每次上学校之前,奶奶总爱叮嘱我几句: 孩子,到学校千万别和同学磨牙(亳州俗语,指吵架或打架),如果有人欺负你,就回来跟我说,我去找你们老师。 !奶奶生怕我在学校和同学发生矛盾,老是有事没事给我上 政治课 ,讲一些经典的故事,教育我遇事要宽宏大量,在学校要和老师、同学和睦相处,不要动不动就和其他人发生冲突。在奶奶的谆谆教诲之下,我基本上没有和老师、同学发生过矛盾。
爷爷爱给我讲很多关于他当年服兵役的经历,告诫我: 现在的年轻人没有几个能吃苦耐劳的。你要从小学会能吃苦,否则不能干成什么大事! 爷爷还教导我: 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。 只有经历了常人所不能忍受的环境,才能造就真正的人才,今后的工作和生活方可出类拔萃。也许这就是 天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤 ,我想。
我的家规英语作文 篇二"The school has the school rules, the home tutor" is often in a word, but others asked, "what is Dan?
"What do you have a family trait?" These problems, a lot of people will be dumbfounded.
Every time I go out to play with your classmates, will forget everything, so this time let family very heart, because I always put all the mother explaination of the side, as if not the case. So, my mother gave me a set a rule, she will seriously say: "play to play, but don't play too far"。 Every time I go out to play before, I will remember this sentence. So, neither let the family worry, and have a good attitude towards life.
Play every time I buy something, after checkout, all want to count the money right no, on one occasion, I help my father to buy a pack of cigarettes, I gave the boss 20 yuan, was supposed to find five yuan, but the boss but I found me fifteen yuan. At that time, I remembered the father said to me: "don't greed, to be honest and trustworthy, said to have to do it, can't make petty gain to buy, because god is looking at"。 I'll return the spare money to the boss, such ability make me breath a sigh of relief.
I have a rule: "don't quarrel for some trifle and friends"。 When I was a kid, I always quarrel with my cousin, is mother use this sentence to teach us, this sentence is deeply engraved on my mind, because it makes me, everybody to reduce an unnecessary trouble, increase a happy friendship. Some bad smell in society gradually out of the line of sight of people, if coupled with the excellent points, so let's social atmosphere will be more pure.
写家规英语优秀作文 篇三关于家规
family rules
As the saying goes,”as a country has its state laws,a family also needs family rules。” Every family has its rules。My family rule is no matter where you go,you have to e back before ten o’clock at night。My family always obeys this rule。I know that my parents make this rule is for our safty。I remember that one day my elder sister break this rule,and then she was criticized for a long time。
关于家规英语作文 篇四Followingtherulescanmaketheworldinorder,sothateveryone'stimewon'tbewasted.Buttherearealwayssomepeopletrytobreaktherules,justtoshowhowdifferenttheyare,someeventhinkitiscooltodoit.Recently,ayoungguywasridinghisslidingplateintherailwaystation.Heignoredthestaffs'warningandjustkeptthewayhewas.Heevenshoutedatthestaff.Atlast,whenpolicemancame,heapologizedandpromisedwouldnotdoitagain.Whatarudeboy.Heonlythoughtabouthimselfandignoredtherules.Whathedidwastedeverybody'stime.Breakingtheruleonlygothimselfabadreputation.
家规英语作文 篇五There are many petty rules in my family. For example: don't yell and shout, so as not to disturb the neighbors downstairs; Can't bring food to the room; You can't argue with your brother; You can't talk too long; Choose the right time to play the piano.。. 。 One of the easiest things I can do is to "talk too long" and "yell."
"The bell! The bell! The bell! There was a telephone call in the living room, and I flew out to answer the phone.
"Hello? What about Yin? Oh? Yeah! Ha.。. No.。.。.。 "Alas! I can't help myself. My good friend calls, and I'll talk and talk. "Beep! Oh my god! A look at the clock, I speak from seven thirty to nine, really deserves to be a gossip.
Suddenly, I heard a rush of footfalls, needless to say, to be cursed again! Sure enough, mom started to say, "don't call your phone so long, you want it! If there's an emergency, someone can't get in, and that's bad."
Oh, I'm affronted again! Is really of!
"Ha! Ha ha.。. "I looked at my brother's new comic book, and it was funny and funny, so I tried my best to make my mother cry," mom! Look at this funny cartoon! Look!"
Because the sound of the smoke machine was very loud, I repeated it louder than ever. After a while, I heard my mother's footsteps coming from afar. I was trying to introduce this funny cartoon to my mother, but my mother began to say, "what are you doing out loud? Do you want your neighbors to hear it? Mother is not deaf, you don't have to shout! You dare to do this again, you beware! A: wow! The family rule is enough, now add one more, hope not to make again in the future!
These rules make me uncomfortable. However, if you can love yourself a little, always be aware of yourself, and there will be no constraints.
关于家规英语作文 篇六Myparentsareverystrict.BecauseIhavesomanyfamilyrules.